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Blog posts

30th May 2022

Bacloud ambicija – atsinaujinanti energija

Šiauliuose įsikūrusi bendrovė „Informacinės sistemos ir technologijos“, valdanti prekės ženklą „Bacloud“, praėjusiais metais atnauj...

27th May 2022

The ambition of the "Bacloud" data center - only renewable energy sources

  The company JSC "Informacinės sistemos ir technologijos", which is based in the city of Šiauliai, manages the "Bacloud" brand and has renewed ...

29th Apr 2022

A New Ubuntu 22.04 released; What’s new?

The release date for Ubuntu 22.04 is set for April 21, 2022. This is an LTS (long-term support) release, which Canonical only releases every two...

22nd Apr 2022

Būkime sveikesni ir gyvenkime žaliau!

Bacloud komanda prisijungė prie vykusio ERGO organizuoto žingsnių iššūkio, kuris buvo organizuotas kartu su lietuviška vaikščiojimo program...

14th Mar 2022


  In response to the Russian aggression in Ukraine, Informacinės sistemos ir technologijos JSC made a decision to stop registration of RU and BY...

17th Feb 2022

Microsoft licenses price adjustment 2022

Bacloud informs about changes in Microsoft's license prices. From January 1, 2022, the prices of all used Microsoft licenses have changed -...

14th Feb 2022

What is RAID and why do you need it? - Bacloud tips

What is RAID, why do you need it? We receive many questions about RAID, so it is a good time to write about RAID in a blog post. RAID stands for...

10th Jan 2022

How To Optimize The Website For SEO - Bacloud tips

  SEO optimization for your website is as crucial as water for plants. You cannot make your website grow without following the correct SEO...

21st Dec 2021

Why you should never buy Email Marketing lists - Bacloud Tips

  Are you planning to buy Email marketing lists? It sounds like a good plan, but it is not. Buying an Email list is the fastest shortcut to...